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AFC Agro Biot.

AFC Agro Biotech Limited
Nature of Business AFCABL has been established with the target to manufacture antibiotics, proteins, vaccines, enzymes etc. from agricultural ingredients like, molasses, glucose, potato sta rch, and other nutrients and
Reason for IPO Proceeds from IPO of Tk. 109,041,500 will be utilized for Capital Investment and Tk. 10,958,500 for IPO expenses
Subscription Open 08-12-2013
Subscription Close 12-12-2013
Subscription Close for NRB 21-12-2013
Offer price 10
Face value per share 10
Market lot 500
Single lot price 5000
EPS Tk. 1.01 for the period ended on June 30, 201 3 (half - yearly) and the same was Tk. 0.39 for the year ended on December 31, 2012
NAV Tk. 11.10 as on June 30, 201 3
Public offer 12 ,000,000
Major product Chemical
Issue Manager Imperial Capital Limited and Sigma Capital Management Limited
Website www.afcagrobiotech.com